
Urban & personal transformation in the luggage: Launch of the WeMaCo website & offers

We are all set! WeMaCo has relaunched and our updated website is ready. Discover our offers for urban and personal transformation for city shapers.

Urban and personal transformation: our vision for the city of the future and a good life


you walk through the streets of your city. You enjoy the peace and quiet, listen to the chirping of the birds, admire the blossoms, pick an apple and breathe deeply the clean, fresh air.
You could almost forget that you are in the city and not in the forest. But in the forest, you wouldn’t be able to talk to your neighbors at the ping-pong table, buy sustainable products everywhere, go out with your friends, get your old kitchen appliance in shape at the Repair Café, or do anything else that brings you joy in life. Everything you need – whether it’s daycare, school, university, sports, work, volunteering, … – can be reached easily and in a short time on foot, by bike or public transport.



not only do you have a wonderful environment, but you are also pursuing your calling, have deep relationships, love yourself, are grateful and everything goes with ease and joy.
You feel that you are good the way you are, that you make the world better with your work and that you are connected with other people and the world around you.

Relaunch of WeMaCo GmbH with bundled offer on urban and personal transformation

We have developed these visions during walks in nature and would like to contribute to their realisation with our know-how and motivation. For years, we, mother Daniela and daughter Cathérine, have been sensitised to the issues of creating a better life in a liveable environment and have been active both professionally and privately.

People of today’s generation are coming up with many ideas for a better world and from our point of view we should support them with all our might. Because they will experience the negative effects of which we are only getting a taste so far. However, we do not let challenging circumstances stop us, but focus on creating a beautiful future for all.

This has led us to broaden our WeMaCo WerteManagement & Coaching GmbH accordingly. In addition to coaching and mental training, we bring our knowledge of urban transformation through consultancy services and project management to offer to all stakeholders.

After some time of preparation, conceptual design and revision, we are proud to present our new website for WeMaCo GmbH and our new LinkedIn page. Here you will find everything you need to know about our services, methods, concepts and offers.

Good ideas often come up while walking
Conceptual cooperation and workshop preparation

An insight into our services and our systemic approach

A short summary of what you can expect can be found here:

We understand the urban transformation and thus the development of our living spaces towards a better quality of life as indispensable. We take into account all possible facets, such as safety, mobility, health, use of resources, etc., so that our offer leads towards a holistic strategy and its implementation. Not only large cities are challenged to offer people better structures, but also the city district or villages can become more liveable with sustainable ideas. No matter what it looks like in the end: Your city is wonderful and you have contributed to it! Professionally, you have created forward-looking framework conditions as an actor in sustainable urban development, e.g. in the administration, or you have been involved in other functions or privately. Translated with (free version)

No one lives and works for him*herself alone. Everything is connected. Especially in the field of sustainability, this interplay between the individual and the environment is enormously important. And here we see the interface with our – and this is the special feature – complementary area: the offers for personal transformation.

What does this mean? We support the acting people with coaching and training. Whether it’s leaders, teams or individuals, we help everyone meet the transformational challenges we face in our careers now and in the future. In addition, people must not be left alone with their own lives, i.e. with their private issues. We show you how to master challenges with ease and joy and how to pursue your calling.

With our systemic approach, we look at all levels of transformation in context: from personality development to urban design work.

Driving urban and personal transformation together with you

We are happy if you, the visitors of the website, gather inspiration and motivation and we can initiate and implement projects together. We hope everyone enjoys exploring the pages and look forward to hearing from you, to a wonderful journey together and a great positive impact on our cities and the quality of life for all of us! Let us inspire you and sign up for our newsletter.

Our heartfelt thanks go to those who have been involved in the creation of this site – whether by programming, photographing, designing or proofreading, every input has been very valuable and helpful.

And last but not least, our work thrives on communication, cooperation and partnerships, which is why we are happy to receive enquiries in this regard and are very happy to engage in constructive exchange and to accept your commissions.

Together with you, we want to set out on the path to a conscious, self-responsible and meaningful life and create a coherent life and environment for all of us, so that we can all say … “Imagine…”.

Start transformation now!

We are looking forward to meeting you.