Urban transformation

From urban utopias to the sustainable city of the future

Sustainable urban transformation for a bright future of liveable cities and neighbourhoods

Every day you do your best to make life as good as possible for the people in your city or neighbourhood. You are employed as a sustainability or climate officer or in municipal development policy. You work in administration, in the city council, in planning or are otherwise involved as a city shaper. You and your co-workers make sure that everything works. That the provision of public services functions, housing and day-care places are available, public spaces are clean, parks and cultural facilities are maintained.

The challenges and tasks on the way to the city of the future are becoming increasingly complex and require comprehensive urban transformation. Increasingly, you will be confronted with issues of sustainability and resilience, (inter)national requirements and acute crises that go far beyond the previous requirements. We’ll help you make sure that all these new tasks don’t get on top of you. With our expertise and structured advice, we support you in developing resilient, sustainable and liveable cities and neighbourhoods.

The measure of a city is not its size, but the size of its visions and dreams.

Herb Caen

Systemic approach: from a sustainability concept to individual coaching

No one lives and works for him:herself alone. Everything is connected. Especially in the field of sustainability, this interplay between the individual and the environment is enormously important. Far too rarely, however, is it comprehensively taken into account. With our systemic approach, we take into account the connection between people – society – environment. But what exactly does this mean?

The best way to explain this is with an example. Imagine you are working on a sustainability strategy in your city. You are convinced of your vision for the future of the city. But not everyone shares your enthusiasm. You constantly run into walls or are not taken seriously by your colleagues. Your individual vision of change does not fit with the ideas of those around you. And the result? In the end, you’re probably totally annoyed, disillusioned and a lot of things just stay the same.

This is where we come in. With a neutral view from the outside, we analyse your situation, define goals and develop a strategy together that leads to success. In doing so, we also keep an eye on the other stakeholders and all relevant framework conditions. In addition to factual concept development, we can also address interpersonal friction. We use creative methods to develop team dynamics or tackle individual issues in individual coaching.

Concepts for urban transformation based on clear values and visions

We advise and support people and organisations who are shaping the cities of today and tomorrow with an eye on the future. We accompany you in the development of a vision for the future of the city and the definition of clear goals. After the development of holistic sustainability strategies, the implementation of the set goals takes place step by step. Urban transformation goes from urban utopia to reality!

We draw on a wealth of experience and know very many concepts that have proven successful in the field of transformation to the sustainable city of the future. Important foundations of our work are, for example,

  • the 17 global Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) of the United Nations,
  • the Doughnut model of the economist Kate Raworth as well as
  • designing visions of the future for cities and implementing real utopias.

Our broad meta-perspective, the systemic approach and our good networking with other experts round off our offer. And of course we also have the most important people of every city in mind: Its inhabitants, whose participation in the transformation process is elementary for us.

More about our approaches & concepts

Passion meets expertise: Our services, concepts & competences

With WeMaCo your vision of the city of the future becomes reality


Everything about our services for actors with a “future vision of a city” who want to initiate or expand a sustainable transformation.

WeMaCo approaches and concepts for a sustainable city of the future

Approaches & concepts

Learn all about the approaches and concepts we have successfully applied for a sustainable city of the future.

Approaches & concepts


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