Personal transformation

Our competences in personal coaching, stress management and team development

Personal transformation

Our competences in personal coaching, stress management and team development

Personalcoaching with heart and mind

People repeatedly take on different roles in their lives and develop an attitude. And no matter whether we are on our way professionally or privately, we always have to answer the same questions: What is my goal and why? How and in what way can I achieve it? What exactly do I have to do, where and with whom? We help you answer all these questions, drawing on a wealth of experience and a large portfolio of proven coaching processes.

Content-related expertise

  • Expertise in the areas of personal coaching, motivation, stress management, mental training
  • Knowledge in leading teams, team development and conflict resolution
  • Application of Design Thinking in the coaching process

Methodological skills

  • Systemic Coaching, NLP Neurolinguistic Programming, Stress Coach, The Work according to Byron Katie
  • Phase model according to Tuckman, leadership experience, communication methodology
  • Attitude and systemic approach of Design Thinking; interaction of multidisciplinary teams and iterative processes
  • Presentations, lectures, workshops
  • Relaxation techniques such as breathing techniques, fantasy journeys, autogenic training, meditation

Further skills

  • Active listening, reading body language
  • High empathy, openness, ability to work in a team
  • Structured approach, integrative skills, social competence
  • Flexibility and creativity

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